When trees were cut, teamsters used horses or oxen to drag them to the banks of the nearest stream. The logs were typically dumped there in a disorderly fashion - it's where we get the saying "rough and tumble." When the water rose, typically in the spring, the logs were pushed into the stream and floated to a saw mill to be transformed into lumber. Sometimes though, flooding occurred before the loggers were ready, and logs were swept downstream and grounded as the waters receded. This was a problem, especially if the logs were left on a field where a farmer needed to plant. This is apparently what happened in March 1865. The notices posted in the Elk County Advocate described the marks that each woodcutter used to identify his work for payment.
Public Notice is hereby given that a quantity of logs was carried on to my lands bordering on the Benezette [sic – Bennetts] Branch of the Sinnamahoning creek and in Benezette tp. Elk Co. during the high water of March 1865 with the following marks, letters and figures upon the same, viz.- hart, arrow, harp, anchor, band, three X’s with bar through center – ring, figure 3 in center – diamond figure 2 in center – letter Q with figure 3 in center – ring enclosing ring and dot – ring enclosing 3 rings – A D – DDC – OTO – A & STJ – E88 – ELK – WD – TOM – RMW – SXE – B&P – RF& Co – Y F. The owner or owners thereof are required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away within three months from March 20th, A. D. 1865, otherwise they will be forfeited. J. W. Brown. (Elk County Advocate, 27 April 1865)
Notice is hereby given that a quantity of logs were carried on our lands, on Bennets [sic] Branch in Benezette township, Elk Co., Pa. during the high water of March 1865 with the following marks and letters: SXE, STJ, WD, LXM, E[backwards]E, CGW, RF&c, AD, OTTO, D3 in center, A & S, diamond, hart, harp. Also two or three marks that we do not know the meaning of. The owner or owners thereof are required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away within three months from March 28th, A. D. 1865, otherwise they will be forfeited. W. H. Johnson, Wm. Johnson. (Elk County Advocate, 28 May 1865)
Almost a year later, some logs were still unclaimed.
Notice is hereby given that a quantity of logs were carried on my lands on Bennetts Branch in Benezette township, Elk Co., Pa., some time in March 1865 with the following marks: Two rings, OTTO, diamond T in center, AGF, RF & Co., Harp, XD, E88, TOM, AD, SXE, AND other marks not knowing the meaning of them. The owner or owners thereof are requested to prove property, pay all charges and take them away, otherwise they will be forfeited according to the limitation of the law. J. Jones. (Elk County Advocate, 20 January 1866)
Notice is hereby given that a quantity of logs were carried on my lands on Bennets [sic] Branch in Benezette township, Elk county, Pa., sometime in March 1865 with the following marks: GM – TOM – OTTO – RFOO – WD and other marks I don’t know the meaning of, the owner or owners thereof are required to prove property, pay all legal charges and take them away, otherwise they will be forfeited according to the limitation of the law. Ralph Johnson Sr. (Elk County Advocate, 29 January 1866)