This was the look for lower and middle class women in colonial America. The rose-colored fitted linen jacket has 3/4 length sleeves and is laced up the front with a cord. The kerchief is green-checked linen with deeply dyed edging. The blue/white apron, tied around the waist, is also of linen. Behind the apron is an ankle-length petticoat of blue linen. The finished width of this petticoat is 90-108 inches.
A brocade pocket is worn beneath the petticoat. It was an accessory, and hung from a cord tied around the waist. If you ever wondered how "Lucy Locket" of nursery rhyme fame lost her pocket, it's likely that her cord was accidentally untied or broken.
The linen shift is the foundation of this, and most, outfits of this period. It was worn as both underwear and nightgown.
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