The purpose of this site is to provide supplementary material for students in some of the courses I teach, but if you find something interesting here, enjoy!
Under LEARN SOMETHING, you'll see content arranged by course titles.
Under EXPLORE, you'll find content that is more about research methods and sources. This is where you'll find links to archives, libraries, museums, government data collections (e.g. the US Census; federal crime statistics), social research organizations and more. If you're writing a paper or a report, you might find some good source material here.
PEGGY'S CLOSET is an attempt to document the extensive clothing collection produced by Peggy Fields (Altoona, PA). Peggy has outfitted volunteers at many local historical sites, ranging from colonial forts to elegant Victorian mansions. She has also consulted with local theater companies. She has made some amazing outfits, and you can check them out here, with Peggy's expert description.
ELK TALES is a collection of stories about Benezette, Pennsylvania. This small village in northwestern Pennsylvania attracts thousands of people every year who come to see the wild elk, ride or hike the trails, and just enjoy PA's Great Outdoors. They are following in the footsteps of a long and interesting line of loggers, miners, shopkeepers, wildcatters, railroaders, farmers, hunters and anglers who made their homes here.
I'm the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. of this collection. If you've got a suggestion or a correction, please let me know.
Humans -- what an incredibly fascinating species we are!
This is a collection of the true stories of being human. There is a distinctly historical and anthropological perspective to this collection.
So, if that's for you, dig in!
If you're taking a course, (sociology, US history I and II, biological anthropology, cultural anthropology, archaeology, intro to anthropology, North American archaeology (American Indians), the Neolithic Revolution (First Farmers), hunters and gatherers, American government, world religions, intro to Windows/Office), you'll find helpful information organized by course by clicking the Learn Something tab (above). Each item contains a link and a brief description of a news article, scientific report, or some other information. Many of these sources are NOT scholarly (that is, peer-reviewed) - they are intended to be starters that may spark your interest and suggest a topic that you could continue to research. If you follow the posted link, it will take you to the original item. Often these items have links within them that can help you get to the scholarly research.
The Explore tab is a good place for primary sources, data and other information that you may find helpful for writing a paper or doing your own research. Peggy's Closet is the documentation of an historically accurate collection of clothing (women's) reproductions.
This website began in August 2014.