
Coal continued to be an important source of jobs and development along the West Branch of the Susquehanna in Pennsylvania, as detailed in The coal trade: a compendium of valuable information relative to coal production, prices, transportation . . . January 1883.

West Branch Region. We include in this region the several collieries located in Cameron and Elk counties, Pa., along the lines of the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad. The are as below:

Collieries Location Operators Tons 1881 Tons 1882
St Marys mines St. Marys St. Marys Coal Co. 85,000 95,000
Daguscahonda mines Dagus City Northwestern Min. & Ex. Co. 234,358 260,000
Eureka mines Kersey D. Eldridge 40,000 45,000
Cameron mines Cameron Cameron Coal Co. 40,000 30,000


The coal from the Northwestern M & E Co. goes to the 'Erie' railway for supply coal, and this accounts for the large increase in the output. There will be new ooal developments in this region before many seasons from the increase in the railway facilities; the R & P and the 'Erie' extension, will open up a large territory heretofore without an outlet.