
The Vagabond writes from Camp Benezette

Benezette, Pa. – Hello everyone, kindly permit me to have a few moments of your undivided attention.

If so, may I tell you of the latest occurrences of the 303rd Co camp S-84, Bennezette, Pa., located in Elk County.

One week today the Second Group of Government employees listed under the Act of March 29, 1933, as Emergency Conservation Corp Workers will graduate.

Those who have been in the CCC for one year will be ineligible for reenlistment of six month. Their maximum time will be three months. At the completion of their three-month period, the boys will be honorably discharged and placed on the payroll of the various concerns.

The “Traveling 303rd” lost one of its most efficient workers in the person of Joseph Trent, Jr. He resigned. Malcolm Porter will succeed Trent in his clerical duties while Howard Eckles will act as mathematician, a position also held by Trent.

George Crump, our “Playboy Author,” has just completed his short story which is now ready for publication.

So often said but seldom done, our boxing tournament has just begun.

Lt. Roger S. Benson is now having the boxing team of our camp trained for their forthcoming event in St. Marys, Pa., next week.

The recreation hall has not yet been completed due to the hazardous driving on the roads. The carpenters are unable to drive to work.

Arnold Jordan is an excellent cook but a certain lad is a bring down to him.

Is there any husbands among the readers who have wives that insert too much salt in boiled weiners? We have such a cook up here and it is not Arnold J. (wanted a good cook).

Vasco Edmunds must possess that John Gilbert love-making instinct. By the way, he composes those romantic letters to a certain young lady.

Eddie Taylor was so worried over Miss Marjorie M— of North Philly that he refused to work just to be where she is.

Samuel Burris has a severe case of love-sickness as Miss E. C. refuses to answer his twelfth letter this month (mean to him).

Slim Saunders is infatuated with a photograph of a certain female entertainer of “The Dixie Inn.”

I wonder why the young lady who writes four letters per day to a certain young man.

Loves to see his name in this column? (It wasn’t told to me, I only heard.)

Jurand Rowe is striving hard to possess the moniker of “The Camp Shiek.” As he uses three face appreciations two hair greases not to mention his natty attire daily.

Turning from the “Bulletin Board” we listen attentively to Reverant C W Harrell preach on the subject “Ye must be born again,” selected from the first chapter of John.

It was followed by a musical program with the soloists as follows: William Sproul, Leon Bristow, William Dallas, Eldredge Davis, James Terrell, Howard Dean, Fred Tyler, and Booker T. Johnson.

The two quartet, “The Kitchen Marvels” and “The Jubilee Four” also sang.

I now sign off.

Your troublesome announcer has been

The Vagabond.