
Newsy Notes from Camp Benezette

By Larry Jenks

Pittsburghers at the CCC Camp Benezette are kept busy with work and play at the camp nowadays. Pinochle, whist, pool, and ping pong are favorite diversions among the men there, beside the practicing on such musical instruments as the piano, washboard, saxophone, trumpet and gazooka. There is even a silver-voiced crooner rivaling Bing Crosby with the lastest song hit, “May I.” It is William Terry of Smoketown, who has plenty of competition, however, from Frank Crowley, of the East End.

Charles Dyer of East End, has gained 36 pounds in weight and one and one-half inches in height since he came to camp. Geo. Hedgeman is working on a track meet for the boys. Odell Edwards is making good as the new ser- [word missing]

Harold Wright, manager of the baseball team at camp, is the CCC home run king. Glen Johnson is the camp librarian.

Bean Maxwell and Henry Newman stand out among the best of the truck drivers. Ben Maxwell is the head driver.

The educational adviser, Mr. Pendler [Pindle?], a graduate of Hampton Institute, has been successfully performing his duties with all of his students showing improvement.

A new member in the camp is H. Walker, technician engineer and graduate of Bucknell University.