Newsy Notes on Camp Benezette
By Larry Jenks
Glen Johnson, MC. Camp Benezette was host to Medix Run Camp last Friday night at a special entertainment in which talented members of Benezette participated, with Glen Johnson of Pittsburgh as master of ceremonies. About 150 boys from Medix Run, accompanied by their educational adviser, journeyed the nine miles to Benezette and enjoyed a two hour program consisting of popular selections by a seven-piece orchestra, tap dancing, vocal specialties and comedy skits.
Benezette Baseball. Although the camp baseball team lost a close game to Shawville last week, it still holds first place in the local mountain league because of the consistent good work of Harold (Doc) Wright, home run king, Fred Tyler, speed-ball pitcher, and Robert Randall, quick first baseman.
Half-minute biographies. The latest addition to the camp from Pittsburgh is Herman McClain who will assist in reporting weekly news of camp activities. Beginning next week a series of “half minute biographies” will be featured. Don’t miss them.