
Benezette, Pa.

Camp Vann

The camp members will readily agree that the best play of the group was enjoyed by them this week when a musical comedy was presented. The music was good and the acting really superb. The “Mae West” of the cast held the audience spellbound. Of all the inconvenient times for the electric generator to go wrong, it chose this time, causing the show to start as late as 9:30 PM.

The boys back from leave all have something exciting to tell and some of the tales are really interesting. However, all are wondering why Albert Gee didn’t return in time. He tells a very very funny story about the incident.

Once again, the men will make their toilettes in the stream below the camp. An old reliable pump has gone “haywire” and no one seems to know what the trouble is. This pump furnishes the water for the camp and when it stops, the water supply over the entire camp is immediately stopped.

There is quite a bit of uncertainty in our dear old camp. Some of the men had their minds set on re-signing for an additional term. However, the news that the Senate hasn’t taken any action on the bill as yet has them all guessing, even the officials. There are also rumors that the leaders of different companies will be transferred to new camps to help new men coming in and to help give them a general idea of what it is all about.