
4 April 1901, Cameron County Press

Take care of your life and the Lord will take care of your death.

Maud Williams is doing house work for Mr. W. W. Marsh.

Wm. Wheaton came up on Saturday to see his sick child.

Geo. English made a flying trip to Benezette on Monday.

Huntley Miller left on Monday for Medix Run where he will engage in work the coming summer.

Mrs. C. M. Bailey was in Enterprise Saturday visiting her sister-in-law, Mrs. O. S. Bailey, who has just returned from Williamsport hospital where she underwent a successful operation for appendicitis.

Dr. Corbett paid a professional visit on the Hill Friday to see the sick child of Mrs. W. Wheaton.

Mrs. Mel Hamilton from the west is at present visiting her father Mr. George Tanner.

Elder S. Ebersole filled his appointment at the school house last Sunday and gave a very able discourse on “Reading and studying the Bible in our homes” and if all who heard him would follow his advice and read their Bibles, all of us, lovingly, faithfully, constantly, we should have a generation of strong and spiritual Christians, when our boys and girls grow up.

We have just received the sad news of the death of Calvin Barr, on Monday, at Medix Run, the eldest of the family of A. H. Barr on Huston Hill. From what we can learn he had only been sick since last Friday with appendicitis. Two doctors from Dubois and Dr. McGarrick of Medix Run performed an operation and he never rallied and died before they had finished. He leaves a wife and five children, father, mother, two sisters and one brother to mourn his untimely death. He was a man greatly beloved by everybody and especially his own folks.

Another birthday surprise. This time it being at the home of Mrs. Jacob Miller, it being her 68 anniversary. A number of her relatives and friends came with eatables and presents and enjoyed the day hugely. Those from off the hill were Mrs. William Smith, Mrs. Frank Sterling (sisters), Sterling Run; Mrs. J. G. Smith (sister), Huntley; Mrs. A. S. Bailey (sister-in-law); John Williams (nephew), Huston Hill; Mrs. C. W. Williams, Mr. C. J. Miller (children); Miss Maud Williams (grandchild), Mr. David Marsh, Mrs. C. M. Bailey, Mrs. E. G. Hicks and J. M. English and wife.


11 April 1901, Cameron County Press

Our snow is fast intermixing with the mud.

Miss Nellie Marsh closer her school Monday.

To rid yourself of an enemy make him your friend.

Chas. Barr and Lester English were at Huston Hill Sunday and took their Easter dinner with W. P. Barr and wife.

There should be a large bounty on the over-zealous ground hog this year. We do not sanction his running the weather another year.

Frank Berfield has launched a new business enterprise, raising turkeys. On Saturday he received two beauties from Wisconsin and expects to make a fortune from them.


25 April 1901, Cameron County Press

Did she get the shad or the cod?

Joseph Farley visited his parents over Sunday.

Where are the boys that caught the eleven dozen?

Mr. Clarence Miller visited his mother over Sunday.

Miss Clara Ives is visiting her brother at Grove Hill.

Mr. S. W. Nyce passed through this place last Saturday.

It is bad enough for men to fight but this time it was ladies.

C. W. Williams and C. J. Miller were up to Emporium last Saturday.

James Hicks visited friends and relatives at Hicks Run last week.

Bennie Miller of Huston Hill was seen on our streets one day last week.

C. W. Williams and O. B. Tanner made a business trip to Emporium on Monday.

I think when people who pretend to be as good a church member as our other correspondent does, would keep their slurs at home, for people that live in glass houses should not throw stones.