
11 April 1901, Cameron County Press

Huntley Miller says wedding bells will soon ring.

What gives a teacher the right to teach without a certificate?

Miss Zerby was visiting among her scholars last Saturday.

Miss Ethel Barr was the guest of Mrs. C. L. Williams last Sunday.

How erect the big man walks when he passes us on the road.

A. S. Hicks, school director, attended the board meeting at Benezette last Saturday.

Mrs. John Connors was the guest of Mrs. C. L. Williams Thursday of last week.

Yes, farmer, your new music is all right or will be when you get some on that understands music. So we heard later.

Last Wednesday was the worst day for a funeral we ever witnessed. It commenced to snow at four o’clock and kept at it until noon – a good twenty inches.

A. S. Hicks has purchased from Miss Julia Rothrock the property near the mouth of Hicks Run where he will soon move. This adds another staunch Republican to Cameron County.

We wonder who the two young ladies were who started for Dents Run last Saturday and followed the cow path into the woods and got lost. Better stay in middle of the road, mud or no mud.


25 April 1901, Cameron County Press

C. L. Williams had business at Emporium on Monday.

Mr. and Mrs. A. S. Hicks drove to Benezette on Sunday.

Miss Ethel Barr, Miss Zurby and Miss Florence Mix were the guests of Miss Lulu Williams on Sunday last.

Miss Lulu Williams, who has been staying at Dents Run the past winter, came home on Saturday. She will remain here this summer.

Editor’s Note: it has come to the knowledge of the Press that a certain Huston Hill lady is charged with being the correspondent to this journal from that place. Such is not the case. Mr. C. L. Williams is and has been our correspondent for several months and we hope satisfactory to our readers. – Editor.


5 September 1901, Cameron County Press

Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Barr are visitors at the Pan-Am this week. [The Pan American Exposition was running in Buffalo, NY. The Pennsylvania Railroad was offering excursions to and from Buffalo throughout its system.]

Mr. Clarence Connor made a business trip to Emporium one day last week.

It still rains and our farmers are complaining of their potatoes rottening.

Mrs. A. S. Hicks spent the last of the week visiting her children at this place.

Dewey Dill, the three-year-old son of R. L. Dill is quite sick at the present time.

Warren L. Dill, who is employed at Medix Run, spent Sunday with his parents.

Miss Eva Barr, who is engaged as teacher of the Huntley school, left Sunday for that place.

Rev. W. H. Ebersole, of Canada, preached an elegant [eloquent?] sermon last Sunday evening at this place.

Diphtheria is raging in the vicinity of Dents Run. About thirty cases of which four have proved fatal.