

Benezette, Pa.

Hello everyone, this is “The Vagabond” bringing to you another few moments of reading.

Due to several cases of diptheria our weekly curriculum has been changed. Through orders of our camp physician, Lt. Dr. Ed. S. Lowe, the acting commander, Lt. Roger S. Benson, quarantined the camp.

William O. Small, substituting for James B. Austin, the assistant doctor, has been busy attending eleven patients who are confined to bed.

Numerous patients appear daily for sick call every morning.

Henry E. Newman is confined to the Maple Avenue Hospital in Dubois, Penna.

Alexander Alston is suffering from a severe chest and head cold.

Raymond Walker returned to camp after spending several weeks in a Philadelphia hospital for pneumonia. Glad to see you pal.

There may be a chance for Arnold Jordan recovering his job as the Mess Sergeant. Lee has gone. Arnold served in the capacity of steward prior to this term. He now holds the position of head cook with Joseph Washington, Alexander Alston and Olandis Smith as his assistants.

Howard H. Eckles is at the controls of our dynamo, which supplies us with electricity.

George Crump has improved on his dancing as he holds rating for the second best dancer in camp. Crump is a weekly subscriber to this little paper also.

O’Dell Blackman entertains the company occasionally with his Joe Penner tactics.

Sunday found the boys cooperating with our chaplain, Charles Harrell, 97 percent. He selected Corinthians, 6th chapter as his text. The two quartets rendered a few selections. “Give me that old time religion,” sung by the congregation, inspired all.

Booker T. Johnson prayed for the betterment of the boys, camp, boy’s homes and sick. Church was conducted for one hour.

As May [sic] West is no angel neither are we. So until the next installment may we say au revoir, adios, cheerio and many others. May God bless you and keep you.

The Vagabond.