
Camp Benezette

By George W. Davis

A variety of players surround me ladies and gentlemen as the 303rd Co. comes to you through the auspices of higher officials.

Glancing from left to right I see pinochle, whist, pool, ping pong, piano, washboard, saxophone, trumpet, gazook and even a silver voice crooner sings Bing Crosby’s latest song hit “Love thy neighbor.”

The forest fires have now ceased after having a heavy cloudburst last Tuesday.

William Flowers, harmonica player excellento, has organized an orchestra of five members who are the following: Lucius Blackshire, of Gtn:, tickles the ivories, sequel to Earl Hines, while Earl E. Barnes strums the tenor guitar for a couple of hot numbers. James S. Adams portrays the role of the Royal Washboard Stomper, Joseph Burgess who bears the nickname Gatemouth, sends we homesick boys with his trumpet.

The boys have played at a dance for the townsfolk with constant appeals for their appearance at nearby towns pouring in.

Major Shea, accompanied by our former doctor, Ed. Lowe, who is new District Medical Supervisor, visited our camp last week and praised the official staff and Edgar Chamberlain, Booker Francis for their wonderful work in having the Supply Department second best in the area. All past and present members are requested to visit the CCC’s annual Sport Dance at the O V Cato auditorium, Tuesday, July 3, 1934.

Tickets may be purchased from Clement Robinson, Co. 314, Camp S-56, Mount Union, Pa.

Joseph Washington has at last heard the plea of 200 boys by evacuating the kitchen. Now we won’t have much salt in any more salmon cakes.

Sunday, May 13, the Benezette Monarchs drove to Weedville, a hamlet 18 miles from camp singing “Girl of My Dreams,” “Not Misbehavin,’” “Naki Saki,” “Carolina Moon,” “Don’t Tell Her,” and various other songs.

Despite the appearance of the boys after the dust had settled on then they won the baseball game from the home town lads 14-8.

Joel Hunt began on the mound allowing only three hits for the first six innings. Henry Young succeeded Hunt in the seventh inning with his curving slow ball pitching.

Harold Wright, manager and right fielder, swatted two homers; one in the first inning with two men on base and one in the fifth with bases loaded.

Milton Moore, the shortstop with his artistic playing also had the horse hide flying for a round trip.

William Sproul was behind the bat catching all and missing none. Favorable words are also extended to Oliver Barton, Chas. Barnes, Keni Bishop, Robert Randolph, Henry Newman. There was good playing with the results the same.

Dr. James Austin opened the Mother’s Day program with the congregation singing “Tell Mother I’ll be There,” followed by solos from various members. Booker T. Johnson then inserted the kindling to the fire of life by preaching. His text was very inspiring as it contained a tribute to mother.

It is now time for the truck to leave bearing 20 of we boys to the movies to see Bing Crosby in “We’re Not Dressing.”

Expecting to see you at the Elks July 3rd, I say au revoir. Station bla-bla-bla. Your announcer.

The Vagabond.