CCC Briefs
By Henry Newman, 303 CCC
Benezette, Pa., July – The Vagabond has departed from his rendezvous for South Philadelphia. While delving into the private life of our friend a deep secret has been revealed. The Vagabond left for the Quaker City to marry a recent graduate of West Virginia State Normal College. Their intended trip to the altar will occur in the near future.
This camp continues to be the peacemaker of race camps. The past week found the arrival of a very important member in the person of Herbert L. Walker of Philadelphia, who has been assigned to this camp as civil engineer. He comes highly recommended as a graduate of Bucknell University.
Ted Martin has become the “salesman Sam” of the camp, selling hair products, etc. Since the boys are preparing to go home his sales have leaped because the lads want to be spick and span when they face the folks back home.
Turning to our sports we find the fast stepping 303 Monarchs continuing in the lead in the camp league. The baseball team defeated Tyler 7-0 on Thursday.